Tailor-made R&D Services: Our Areas of Application


Transport & Smart Mobility

"Transport and Smart Mobility" are facing a fundamental process of transformation. The FMD provides solutions for electrified, connected and autonomous mobility.



A growing energy demand and the need for resource conservation are major challenges in the field of "Energy". The FMD contributes to a sustainable and yet affordable energy supply.

Digital Industry

The FMD develops microelectronic components and systems to build up the intelligent factory of the future.


Digital Life

Our experts develop technology solutions to provide intelligent living and working environments for digitalized citizens: all together to ensure healthy and comfortable spaces via microelectronic components.


Health & Wellbeing

Healthcare is facing the challenge of an aging and growing world population accompanied by a global trend towards urbanization. The FMD provides innovative solutions in the field of Health and Wellbeing.


Civil Security & Occupational Safety

The FMD develops innovative technologies to ensure safe and secure living and working environments for the digital world.