Ongoing FMD projects at a glance

Discover the wide range of FMD activities

The Research Fab Microelectronics Germany (FMD) is involved in various microelectronics research and development areas, such as projects on quantum and neuromorphic computing or green ICT. At the same time, we promote the training and further education of specialists and support start-ups, research groups, and SMEs in developing their projects. For more information, please visit the project websites below.


Duration: 2024-2029


Pilot line for »Advanced Packaging and Heterogeneous Integration for Electronic Components and Systems« as part of the EU-Chips-Act.


Duration: 2022-2025


The Germany-wide cooperation "FMD-QNC" aims to bundle and expand microelectronic research and development about quantum and neuromorphic computing.


Duration: 2022-2026

Competence Center "Green ICT @ FMD"

The competence center researches and works on reducing the carbon footprint of digital technologies.



Duration: 2021-2024


The MATQu project will validate technology options to produce SJJs on industrial 300 mm silicon-based process flows. The project addresses substrate technology, superconducting metals, resonator technology, through-wafer-via holes, 3D integration, and variability characterization.


Duration: 2021-2024

"Velektronik" – platform for trustworthy electronics

This project deals with overarching issues in the areas of design, production, and analysis of the microelectronics value chain. For example, research is being conducted into trustworthy design methods, analysis procedures, and approaches for particularly trustworthy production processes for small series.


Duration: 2023-2026

"Chipdesign Germany"

The network for chip design in Germany. In a new format, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research is promoting the networking and expansion of skills and capacities in chip design in order to strengthen the technological sovereignty of Germany and Europe. Within the microelectronics design initiative, the project will establish a network including an exchange platform and carry out accompanying research.


Funding opportunities within the projects: "Spaces" for start-ups, SMEs & research

Two of the projects presented above already offer funding for start-ups, SMEs and research: "Green ICT Space" by "Green ICT @ FMD", and "QNC Space" by "FMD-QNC".


"Green ICT Space"

The accelerator for sustainable start-ups and SMEs provides low-threshold access to the competence center's infrastructure and thus accelerates product and company development.


"QNC Space"

Are you working on technologies or products in quantum and neuromorphic computing and want to accelerate their development? Then QNC-Space is the right place for you.