In addition to technological offerings in the fields of sensor systems, power electronics, MEMS actuators, microwave and terahertz, extended CMOS, chip and chiplet design, optoelectronic systems, and multi-project technologies, the FMD also offers various opportunities for cooperation in the processing of research issues in the focus areas of resource efficiency, next-generation computing, security, mobility, production, and communication. In addition to coordinating large collaborative projects, such as "Green ICT @ FMD" or "FMD-QNC," FMD also supports start-ups, SMEs, and research groups with programs such as the "Green ICT Space" or the "QNC Space."
As a contribution to the “EU Chips Act”, the Research Fab Microelectronics Germany (FMD) started the development of the most comprehensive and advanced pilot line for chip integration for innovative, robust and trustworthy heterogeneous systems at the end of 2024. The pilot line for “Advanced Packaging and Heterogeneous Integration for Electronic Components and Systems” (APECS for short) is an important building block of the EU Chips Act to drive chiplet innovation and increase research and manufacturing capacity for semiconductors in Europe. The institutes cooperating in the FMD are working closely with other European partners to set up the APECS pilot line and are making a significant contribution to strengthening Europe's technological resilience as well as increasing global competitiveness in the semiconductor industry. The pilot line will provide large industrial companies as well as SMEs and start-ups with low-threshold access to cutting edge technologies and ensure secure, resilient semiconductor value chains. APECS is co-funded by Chips Joint Undertaking and by national funding from Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Portugal and Spain as part of the “Chips for Europe” initiative. The total funding for the APECS pilot line amounts to 730 million euros over 4.5 years. The APECS pilot line builds on the structures created within the Research Fab Microelectronics Germany. In Germany, a total of twelve institutes of the Fraunhofer Group for Microelectronics and the two Leibniz institutes FBH and IHP are involved in APECS. The work is directed by the FMD office in Berlin.