Quantum computing

© Gerd Altmann / Pixabay

In the future, quantum computers will be able to solve highly complex calculations in seconds, which would take years for conventional computers. Quantum-based computers calculate much faster than conventional computers in some areas because they use quantum-mechanically entangled elementary particles such as electrons or photons as a unit of information - so-called qubits. They are in a so-called superposition as long as they are not measured. Due to this effect, the individual quantum states can assume the values 0 or 1 - like normal bits - and everything in between at the same time. In this superposition state, the particles can be entangled with each other and thus used for logical computing operations. This means that complex tasks can be calculated much faster in parallel instead of linearly.

Each additional qubit doubles the performance of the computer. Quantum computers can, therefore, predict complex systems of equations more reliably and dynamic systems better; they can find solutions to combinatorial optimization problems more quickly and can simulate quantum mechanical systems more accurately as they follow the same laws. The developments within the FMD institutes focus on color-center-based QC, superlattice-based QC, neutral-atom-based QC, ion-trap-based QC, and quantum-dot-based QC.

Further research areas in the field of quantum technologies

  • Quantum communication
  • Quantum imaging
  • Quantum AI
  • Quantum sensing and quantum simulation

Project examples

Fraunhofer Competence Network Quantum Computing with Fraunhofer IAF (quantum hardware, hybrid computing systems), Fraunhofer IIS (electronics for measurement and control, quantum algorithms for machine learning and optimization), Fraunhofer IIS/EAS (optimization, simulation), Fraunhofer IMS (semiconductor electronics and sensors)

The Fraunhofer Institutes' services are aimed equally at beginners who want to find out about quantum computing in general and make initial contacts, as well as experts who are looking for partners for specific research questions and projects. 

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Strategic research topic Microelectronics for quantum technologies @ Fraunhofer EMFT

The first European quantum computer, IBM Q System One, is located at the IBM site in Ehningen, Baden-Württemberg. With its 27 qubits, it is not one of the most powerful systems in the world today. But it is stable enough for industrial operation, while systems with more qubits are more like test systems.

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Quantum computing @ Fraunhofer EMFT

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Micro- and nanotechnologies for the production of qubit chips and systems with a focus on scaling and manufacturing @ Fraunhofer EMFT

Fraunhofer EMFT has an extensive, cutting-edge technology park and broad expertise in the field of micro- and nanotechnology: from process analytics to the development of electronic components, foil electronics, circuit design and hetero- and system integration. 

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Heterogeneous 3D integration for integration and miniaturization of qubit chips at wafer level @ Fraunhofer EMFT

Fraunhofer EMFT has an extensive long-term experience in research and development in the field of heterogeneous 3D system integration. This technology, which is protected by numerous Fraunhofer EMFT patents, is of central interest for linking CMOS-compatible electronics with MEMS-based sensors, among other things. 

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Analysis and testing of electronic components and systems, e.g. for quantum chips

Fraunhofer EMFT posseses strong expertise in clarifying the sources of complex failures and reliability problems by analysis and test of electronical components and systems. For over 20 years, the institute has been developing innovative solutions for reliability testing, commissioned by industry customers as well as in publicly funded research projects.

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Design and layout of integrated circuits (IC), e.g. for quantum computing @ Fraunhofer EMFT

Fraunhofer EMFT supports its customers in their search for an optimal system solution, a customized division between commercially available components and the development of customer-specific circuits.

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Munich Quantum Valley with Fraunhofer EMFT, Fraunhofer IIS, Fraunhofer IISB

The main aim of the Munich Quantum Valley initiative is to set up a Center for Quantum Computing and Quantum Technologies (ZQQ) over the next five years. This center is intended to provide access to computers based on the three most promising quantum computing technologies currently available: superconducting, ionic and atomic qubits.

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Research field quantum technologies @ Fraunhofer HHI

Based on these key competences, researchers at Fraunhofer HHI develop photonic components, modules and systems together with its partners. All products are tailored to the high requirements in fields such as quantum sensors, quantum communication and quantum information processing.

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A new departure in quantum technology: Fraunhofer HHI participates in the BMBF-funded joint project Q.Link.X

The goal of the Fraunhofer HHI is the provision of an application-oriented test environment consisting of installed optical cables for testing QR components, QR cells and QR segments developed in the consortium.

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Optics and Photonics Cluster Berlin Brandenburg - Microelectronics and quantum technology pave the way for progress through innovation with Fraunhofer HHI, Fraunhofer IZM

Master plan of the joint Cluster Optics and Photonics to be published.

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Quantum photonics: UNIQORN project enables cost-effective quantum communication with Fraunhofer HHI

The project "UNIQORN - Affordable Quantum Communication for Everyone: Revolutionizing the Quantum Ecosystem from Fabrication to Application" has set itself the goal of miniaturizing quantum technologies using photonic integration and making them available to users as system-on-chip solutions.

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Quantum Key Distribution @ Fraunhofer HHI

The Photonic-Networks department works on the high-speed distribution of a cryptographic key by means of quantum communication. Both fiber and free-space (typ. satellite) transmissions are considered.

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Quantum Repeater Link (QR.X) with Fraunhofer HHI

In the scope of the project "QuantumRepeater.Link" (QR.X), the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute, together with its 25 partners from academic research and industry, will work on a first realization of such quantum repeater links. 

Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
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QuNET - Demonstration experiment on communication using quantum technologies with Fraunhofer HHI

The Fraunhofer HHI is contributing two pioneering technologies to QuNET: photonic integrated circuits for the quantum network as well as expertise in fiber optic networks and in quantum key distribution. 

Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) (funding code: 16KIS1082K).
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QuNET+ML - Optimization of QKD networks using machine learning with Fraunhofer HHI

The aim of the project "QuNET - Optimization of QKD networks using machine learning (QuNET+ML)" is to enable the use of quantum key distribution (QKD) in realistic network scenarios.

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First quantum-secure video conference between two federal authorities - QuNET initiative demonstrates highly secure and practical quantum communication with Fraunhofer HHI

The QuNET project, an initiative funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) to develop highly secure communication systems, shows how data sovereignty can be guaranteed in the future.

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CiViQ - Continuous Variable Quantum Communications with Fraunhofer HHI

In the CiVIQ project, CV-QKD transmission in existing telecommunication fibre infrastructure is explored. The task of Fraunhofer HHI is to develop coherent receivers for CV-QKD on the basis of Fraunhofer HHI's InP technology, being already used in classical telecommunications.

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Quantum systems - Quantum technologies @ Fraunhofer IAF

To broaden the fields of application and facilitate the integration of quantum systems into industrial processes, Fraunhofer IAF is working to optimize quantum computers and quantum sensors for applications in quantum chemistry, logistics and medical technology.

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Quantum technologies at Fraunhofer IIS - Interesting Facts

A brief overview of quantum technology principles and projects at Fraunhofer IIS.

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Competence Center Quantum Computing Baden-Württemberg

In cooperation with IBM Germany, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is establishing a national competence network in the research field of quantum computing. 

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Quantum computing @ Fraunhofer IAF

Fraunhofer IAF's goal is to contribute to advances in the performance of entangled qubits and quantum memories, to increase the achievable computing times of quantum computers with novel quantum hardware and to reduce error rates.

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Quantum sensor technology @ Fraunhofer IAF

One of Fraunhofer IAF's goals is to develop magnetometers with the highest spatial resolutions and the highest sensitivities, so that it will be possible to detect individual atomic nuclear spins - a revolution in the field of nanoanalytics. 

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KryoproPlus - At operating temperature: Statistical characterization of semiconductor qubits at 2 Kelvin

Since 2022, researchers at Fraunhofer IAF present statistical data on the variance of qubits generated with different semiconductor technologies for the first time in Europe. The BMBF is funding the acquisition and verification of a cryogenic on-wafer prober at Fraunhofer IAF.
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Raising the curtain: Fraunhofer and IBM inaugurate quantum computer (2021)

Together with IBM, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft operates the quantum computer in Ehningen close to Stuttgart. All processed project and user data remain in Germany at all times and the IBM Q System One is operated in accordance with German data protection law.  

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Joint project SPINNING - Quantum computer based on spin qubits in diamond with Fraunhofer IAF, Fraunhofer IISB

"SPINNING" is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the program "Quantum Technologies - from the Basics to the Market" (funding code: 13N16209).
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MATQu – Materials for quantum computing with Fraunhofer IAF, Fraunhofer IPMS, Fraunhofer Group for Microelectronics, Research Fab Microelectronics Germany (FMD)

ECSEL Joint Undertaking grant number 101007322 (supported by Horizon 2020 of the European Union and by Germany, France, Belgium, Austria, Netherlands, Finland, Israel.)
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QC-4-BW – Diamond-based, spintronic quantum register for scalable quantum processor with Fraunhofer IAF

Within the Competence Center Quantum Computing Baden-Württemberg a miniaturized and scalable quantum processor will be developed.

Funded by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labor and Tourism.
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QORA – Quantum optimization with resilient algorithms with Fraunhofer IAF

In the QORA project, such optimization methods are developed based on the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) and tested on the quantum computer IBM Quantum System One.

Funded by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labor and Tourism.
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GeQCoS - German quantum computer based on superconducting qubits with Fraunhofer IAF

In this joint project, Germany's leading scientists in the field of superconducting quantum circuits have teamed up to develop innovative concepts for the construction of an improved quantum processor.

Funded by the BMBF. Funding reference: 13N15680 (IAF sub-project: 13N15681).
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DE-Brill – Deutsche Brilliance - Manufacturing process and novel control techniques for diamond quantum computers with Fraunhofer IAF

The joint project "DE-Brill" aims to create the technological prerequisites for the realization of scalable diamond-based quantum microprocessors (QPUs), which can be applied in the field of edge computing. 

The project is funded by the BMBF.
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QUASAR – Semiconductor quantum processor with shuttling-based scalable architecture with Fraunhofer IAF, Fraunhofer IPMS, Leibniz IHP

The project is funded by the BMBF as part of the "Quantum technologies - from the basics to the market" funding program. Funding reference: 13N15652.
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QLSI - Large-scale quantum integration with silicon with Fraunhofer IAF, Fraunhofer IPMS, Leibniz IHP

Project QLSI aims to develop a scalable technology for silicon qubits for quantum computing.

Horizon 2020 of the European Union, funding agreements 951852.
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HPCQS – Hybrid quantum high-performance computers with Fraunhofer IAF

European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (JU) grant number 101018180 (supported by Horizon 2020 of the European Union and by Germany, France, Italy, Ireland, Austria, Spain.)
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VOMBAT—Miniaturized telecom-scale entanglement source based on AlGaAs Bragg reflection waveguides with Fraunhofer IAF

The aim of the project VOMBAT is to develop a source for entangled photon pairs, in which the required pump source and the generation of the entangled photon pairs are integrated in one chip.

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AI4QT — Artificial intelligence for quantum technologies with Fraunhofer IAF

With the aim of enabling practical applications of machine learning with quantum computing and supporting the industry in this regard, the project will develop protocols, libraries and algorithms for various quantum computing platforms and combine current scientific findings in quantum computing with those of machine learning.

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SPINUS — Spin-based quantum computer and simulator with Fraunhofer IAF

Project SPINUS aims to establish experimental platforms based on solid-state spin qubits for quantum simulations and quantum computing. 

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Project HiFi: Enabling technologies for quantum frequency conversion with Fraunhofer IAF

In the joint project “HiFi — Highly integrated quantum frequency converter of highest fidelity based on innovative laser, fiber and production technology” funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), researchers are working on the realization of all necessary technologies to provide quantum frequency converters (QFK) with high efficiency and low noise for initial test tracks. 

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QMag – Quantum magnetometry with Fraunhofer IAF, Fraunhofer IISB FUNDED BY: Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, State of Baden-Württemberg

The resolution and the sensitivity of today’s magnetometers is insufficient for many future applications. The goal of the Fraunhofer consortium "QMag" is to further develop magnetometers and to test them for applications. 

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DiLaMag - NV-endowed CVD diamond for ultra-sensitive laser threshold magnetometry with Fraunhofer IAF

To measure even the smallest magnetic fields, researchers at Fraunhofer IAF are working on a new approach: diamond-based laser threshold magnetometry.

Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) Funding reference: 13XP5063.
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BMBF lighthouse project “NeuroQ”

Neue Technologien sollen es gelähmten Menschen ermöglichen, ein Exoskelett perspektivisch unter Alltagsbedingungen deutlich präziser als bislang zu steuern, und so einen wichtigen Beitrag zu ihrer gesellschaftlichen Inklusion und medizinischen Rehabilitation leisten.

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AMADEUS — Advancing the market uptake of diamond defect quantum sensors with Fraunhofer IAF

AMADEUS is an industry-oriented consortium involving large companies, RTOs, SMEs and academic partners. The project aims to bring to market quantum sensors using nitrogen vacancies (NV centers) in high-purity diamond crystals, one of the most promising and market-ready technologies in quantum sensing.

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Mini-magnetic resonance tomograph by Fraunhofer IAF

A research team lead by the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and including Fraunhofer IAF has developed diamond quantum sensors which can be used as high-resolution magnetic resonance tomographs.

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Data sheet Cryogenic electronics - Ultra-low-noise high-frequency amplifiers @ Fraunhofer IAF

Fraunhofer IAF develops ultra-low noise and compact high-frequency electronics, e.g. for use in quantum computers.

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Training courses on the functionality and applications of quantum computers @ Competence Center Quantum Computing with Fraunhofer IAF

In cooperation with IBM Germany, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is establishing a national competence network in the research field of quantum computing. 

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Fraunhofer IAF's expertise in quantum computing

  • Materials (isotope-controlled synthesis of semiconductors with a large band gap)
  • Components (Microwave sources (1 - 5 GHz) I Cryogenic electronics)
  • Analytics (cryogenic measurement technology)
  • Assembly and connection technology
  • Entangled qubits (1-qubit and 2-qubit gates (10 nm technology on 4" substrates)

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Fraunhofer IAF's expertise in quantum sensor technology

  • Quantum sensors based on the material diamond
  • Production of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond
  • Scanning probe quantum magnetometry
  • Laser threshold magnetometry
  • Application Laboratory Quantum Sensors @ Fraunhofer IAF

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Quantum Machine Learning for solving industrial applications @ Fraunhofer IIS

Within the scope of its research projects, Fraunhofer IIS focuses on the exploration and development of tools and algorithms based on machine learning techniques to enable faster and more efficient computational results using quantum hardware.

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BayQS - Bavarian Competence Center Quantum Security and Data Science with Fraunhofer IIS

Fraunhofer IIS works with customers and partners from the business and public sectors to develop, implement, and optimize processes, products, and systems through to use and market launch. 

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QuaST - Enabling quantum computing tools and services for industrial applications with Fraunhofer IIS, Fraunhofer IISB

In the QuaST (Quantum-enabling Services and Tools for Industrial Applications) research project, researchers at Fraunhofer IIS are developing the necessary software and services to enable and facilitate the use of current and future quantum computers for academic and industrial users.

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QLindA – Quantum Reinforcement Learning with Fraunhofer IIS

The project aims at combining these recent advances in the development of quantum computing with artificial intelligence, in particular for reinforcement learning (RL), and making it technically usable. To this end, the project investigates how RL can be implemented on quantum computers to solve a variety of relevant problems from industrial applications.

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Quantum communication for secure digital communication @ Fraunhofer IIS/EAS

In order to anchor the topic within the research landscape of the Free State of Saxony, the project seeks to establish an application center for the "design of scalable electronic systems for quantum communication". 

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Application Center Quantum Communication - Design of scalable electronic systems @ Fraunhofer IIS/EAS

Since June 2022, the application center "Design of scalable electronic systems for quantum communication" has been providing companies and researchers with flexible experimental and test environments for electronics development for quantum communication systems.

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Fraunhofer lead project Quantum Methods for Advanced Imaging Solutions - QUILT - with CMOS Image Sensors - Single Photon Detectors for Quantum Imaging @ Fraunhofer IMS

As part of the Fraunhofer lead project QUILT (Quantum Methods for Advanced Imaging Solutions), Fraunhofer IMS, in cooperation with five other Fraunhofer Institutes, is contributing advanced scientific work in several research domains of quantum imaging.

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SPAD QRNG – Quantum random generators with SPAD-based sensors for secure encryption @ Fraunhofer IMS

The sensors of Fraunhofer IMS are based on single photon avalanche diodes (SPAD) and can detect photons with high spatial and temporal resolution. By integrating them into CMOS technology, the SPADs can be directly connected to a readout circuit adapted to the application. 

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PhoQuant - Photonic quantum computer made in Germany - Fraunhofer IPMS is consortium partner

Fraunhofer IPMS is developing the integrated, monolithic control of the optoelectronic components of the photonic quantum computer as well as the assembly and interconnection technology.

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HalQ - Semiconductor-based quantum computing @ Fraunhofer IPMS

The HALQ project develops an overarching platform for the evaluation and integration of qubit concepts into an overall system in order to enable the participating Fraunhofer institutes for the roadmap of the German government for the development of a quantum computer "Made in Germany". 

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Qsolid - Quantum computer in the solid state with Fraunhofer IPMS, Fraunhofer IZM-ASSID

Building a complete quantum computer based on cutting-edge technology from Germany is the goal of the joint project QSolid. 

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Quantum Solutions - MEMS processes for quantum computing and quantum sensor technology @ Fraunhofer ISIT

Precisely because of existing challenges, Fraunhofer ISIT aims to develop new MEMS solutions to shape the future of Quantum Computing and Quantum Sensing.

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2D quasi-static MEMS micro-mirrors, e.g. for new applications in quantum sensing and computing @ Fraunhofer ISIT

Fraunhofer ISIT's new generation of piezoelectric-driven MEMS scanners can achieve extreme optical scan angles close to 180° due to the high torque provided by the piezoelectric material. 

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Multifunctional hermetic sealing with combined glass/Si housings, e.g. for optical signal manipulation for quantum sensor technology @ Fraunhofer ISIT

The Fraunhofer ISIT patented 3D glass forming technology enables the production of several optical components like lenses, mirrors, prisms etc. accompanied with hermetic optical packaging and getter integration for getting and maintaining high vacuum. 

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Miniaturized pulsed RGB laser sources @ Fraunhofer ISIT

In addition to wafer technologies, ISIT offers a whole range of services at module level. These range from special processes at chip level, to the production of modules in an industrial manufacturing environment, to the investigation of their reliability under accelerated ageing.

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Detection of weak magnetic fields @ Fraunhofer ISIT

Technologies for measuring biomagnetical fields in unshielded environment as well as weak noise fields in Quantum Computing / Quantum Sensing, current measurement with high dynamic range. 

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MEMS processes for quantum computing and quantum sensor technology @ Fraunhofer ISIT

Since 1994 Fraunhofer ISIT is one of the leading institutes in Europe for applied research in MEMS development and processing. Products like MEMS mirrors, loudspeakers, bio sensors and microfluidics have been manufactured in the Fraunhofer ISIT cleanroom fab. 

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Trend topic Quantum Photonic Packaging @ Fraunhofer IZM

Fraunhofer IZM has been harnessing innovative techniques for photonic system integration and miniaturization to tackle the challenges posed by quantum technologies (QT) and seize their enormous potential to overcome the inherent limitations of current technology. The goal is to make the leap from highly complicated custom laboratory systems to devices that are easy and cheap to produce. 

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From quantum research to market-ready products with special equipment from Fraunhofer IZM

With funding from the EU and the State of Berlin, researchers at Fraunhofer IZM have created a vision of a technology centre to power the development of new glass-based quantum technologies.

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Creation of an integrated system solution based on silicon photonics, which combines quantum dot-based indium phosphide semiconductor laser sources and silicon photonic electro-optical integrated circuits (ePIC) and thus realizes a platform for high-bit-rate, chip-integrated optical transmission technology with Fraunhofer IZM, Leibniz IHP.
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Components, modules & systems for quantum technologies @ Leibniz FBH

Leibniz FBH offers interested customers in the field of quantum sensing, quantum network technology and quantum communication its cooperation along the entire value chain - from design and realization of prototype components, modules and systems to their verification and validation.

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Quantum photonic components @ Leibniz FBH

With its Joint Lab Quantum Photonic Components, Leibniz FBH developes narrow and ultra-narrow linewidth diode laser modules, spectroscopy modules and distribution modules for applications of "Quantum Technology 2.0" (QT 2.0), especially for deployment in space. Joint Lab Quantum-Photonic Components.
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Integrated quantum sensors @ Leibniz FBH

In the Joint Lab Integrated Quantum Sensors (IQS) Leibniz FBH aims to develop the next generation of chip-scale quantum sensors for real world applications. 
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Diamond nanophotonics @ Leibniz FBH

The Joint Lab Diamond Nanophotonics (DNP) is researching novel concepts for guiding, capturing and manipulating light on the nano- and microscale. 

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Photonic quantum technologies @ Leibniz FBH

The Joint Lab Photonic Quantum Technologies develops optical chip-based quantum devices that can be directly interfaced with optical fibers. 

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Quantum Technology: Quantum sensing is gaining (s)pace @ Leibniz FBH

Quantum sensing may reach industry before cryptography or computing—an example is a Berlin collaboration that is miniaturizing the lasers for satellite operations in which quantum sensors may greatly improve navigation and telecommunications.

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Microwaves in quantum technology @ Leibniz FBH

Information processing and sensor technologies based on quantum mechanics are a top-notch research topic today. In its research area Integrated Quantum Technology, Leibniz FBH bundles its physical understanding and the technical expertise of the components and technology concepts required.

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Quantum light modules @ Leibniz FBH

Hybrid integrated miniaturized quantum light modules are newly developed components for mid-infrared (mid-IR) hyperspectral imaging and quantum optical coherence tomography (OCT) sensing.

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ErBeStA - Error-Proof Bell-State Analyzer (ErBeStA) with Leibniz FBH

The realisation of such an error-proof Bell-state analyser constitutes a groundbreaking milestone for information technologies as it forms the key component for universal optical quantum computers and long-distance quantum communication.

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German quantum computers: Eight projects funded with 105 million euros with Leibniz FBH

The German project "Photonically Integrated Quantum Computer" (QPIC-1) is now working on a concept for the construction of photonic quantum computers. In this approach, individual particles of light act as qubits whose quantum state relates to certain variable properties of a photon.

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Space test of quantum optical sensor @ Leibniz FBH

A cloud of ultra-cold atoms was generated in space for the first time on board a sounding rocket. This proved that quantum optical sensors can also be used in harsh environments.

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On the verge of a quantum leap? With Leibniz FBH

Around 16,000 people are employed in the optics and photonics industry in Berlin/Brandenburg, both in business and research. Now an international network with a regional core is to be created that will bring quantum technologies into new applications.

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BECCAL - Joint project on quantum technology on the International Space Station launched with Leibniz FBH

BECCAL will enable experiments on board the ISS with ultracold atoms for basic research and for future quantum sensors. The FBH is supplying the 55 robust and narrow-band laser modules required for this.

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Tap-proof quantum communication wins innovation competition with Leibniz FBH

The German Aerospace Center's (DLR) INNOspace Masters innovation competition is looking for new ideas for the next generation of space travel. The winner is a team from Berlin with an idea for tap-proof satellite communication.

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Jedi sword and quantum computer: Optics & photonics research in Berlin with Leibniz FBH

Prof. Ulrike Woggon, Dirk Döbler and Prof. Dr. Günther Tränkle introduce us to their fields of application and research in the new episode of our podcast with rbb's inforadio, supported by Brain City Berlin. (Language: German)

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Innovation Forum Quantum Technologies in Berlin with Fraunhofer IZM, Leibniz FBH

The InnoQT network provides a cooperation platform for these and other stakeholders. It jointly defines strategic goals, implements them and transfers QT research results into applications in order to utilize them commercially.

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Innovation Forum Photonic Quantum Technologies with Fraunhofer IZM, Leibniz FBH

On March 2 and 3, 2020, the Innovation Forum Photonic Quantum Technologies took place in Berlin. About 90 participants from universities, research institutes, and small and medium-sized enterprises presented their activities in quantum technology (QT) and discussed opportunities for collaboration.

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Quantum Future Academy with Leibniz FBH

The Quantum Future Academy is organized by the BMBF. The Ferdinand-Braun-Institut and Humboldt-Universität are the local partners in Berlin.

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SIM-QPla: Quantum leap in microplastics analysis / New BMBF-funded research project with Leibniz FBH

With the new SIM-QPla research project, project partners from research and industry have therefore joined forces with the common goal of developing mobile analysis methods to facilitate this process and to be able to detect microplastics even in small quantities.

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On the way to the quantum internet - physicist Dr. Tim Schröder acquires ERC Starting Grant @ Leibniz FBH

While fast internet is still on the wish list in many parts of Germany, Dr. Schröder is already researching the next generation of fast, secure and future-compatible communication at the interface of integrated quantum optics, communication and new material systems with the QUERP project "Quantum Repeater Architectures Based on Quantum Memories and Photonic Encoding"- on the way to the quantum internet.

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Reliable semiconductors for space, satellite and quantum technologies @ Leibniz FBH

From June 22 to 24, 2022, the Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Leibniz-Institut für Höchst-frequenztechnik (FBH) will present reliable semiconductors for applications in the fields of space, satellites and quantum technology at the International Aerospace Exhibition (ILA) in Berlin. 

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Materials for micro- and nanoelectronics - Quantum bits devices @ Leibniz IHP

Promising approaches in materials science for future devices in microelectronics are identified in the three working groups of the research program. The research program covers a broad spectrum - from basic research in materials science to applied research on advanced devices.

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Together towards a scalable semiconductor quantum computer with Leibniz IHP

Forschungszentrum Jülich, RWTH Aachen University, and the IHP – Leibniz Institute for High Performance Microelectronics are pooling their complementary expertise in the field of semiconductor and quantum technologies.

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Semiconductor Optoelectronics @ Leibniz IHP

This research group primarily deals with the integration of alternative semiconductor materials, especially group IV (germanium, GeSn and SiGeSn), into silicon technology, of which the material properties appear superior to those of silicon towards their application in the field of photonics, sensor and THz technology.

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Process and Device Research Group @ Leibniz IHP

The working group is entrusted with the development of processes for the fabrication of the integrated circuits with the machine park in the cleanroom of the IHP. 

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NHEQuanLEA – A hybrid graphene/III-V system selectively grown on Si nanotips: A correlation study of structural and optoelectronic properties with Leibniz IHP

Leibniz IHP's project NHEQuanLEA investigates the use of the nanoheteroepitaxy (NHE) method for monolithic growth of III-V quantum structures on patterned Si wafers. 

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